There is no doubt that high scores at school depend on the mental and physical health of students, as happier and self-disciplined kids are better at studying. However, there is not enough research on correlating academic success with the state of mind of a student. In a great number of countries around the world, the curriculum is not only limited to school subjects, but focused at the “knower” development as well. This effect is gained with the use of TM (Transcendental Meditation) in the curriculum.
Meditation makes students behave and study better
There are two main reasons why certain schools with TM on the subject list can boast of students’ brilliant academic performance. Firstly, the level of stress is reduced considerably thanks to practicing TM. Secondly, being exposed to meditation the brain starts to function better, which results in better academic scores at school.
The article presents some facts from the study, which examined the influence of Transcendental Meditation on school children of different age categories.
Meditation for Students at College
Scientific research proves that meditation positively affects university students:
- Cognitive functions are improved because brain coherence becomes better;
- Students get less stressed, depressed and worried;
- Students are not likely to be sleepy.
Meditation for Students of Middle and High School
Students from this category took part in the experiment on the effects of three types of meditating practices including contemplation, napping and TM. The students who practiced TM proved:
- To be able to make successful reasoning in unknown surroundings;
- To process information at a greater rate;
- To achieve emotional balance and build healthy relations with friends, relatives and partners;
- To use the spheres of cognition, affection and volition in a balanced way (they become more curious, unconventional, better at comprehending, analyzing and synthesizing);
- To become less anxious.
Compared to two other experimental groups, they have not shown much improvement in their physical and mental state.
The research conducted on studying positive effects of TM on students older than 15 but younger than 18 revealed the following:
- They more willingly kept to the rules;
- They were excluded from school much more rarely;
- They did not miss so many lessons.
The students of middle school reported having become less anxious and more concentrated. Besides, their academic performance improved considerably.
Meditation for Preschool Children and Kids from Elementary Classes
There is a special meditation technique Word of Wisdom elaborated specially for the children of the described age group. The following are the improvements observed in preschool and elementary classes:
- The children became more attentive and concentrated;
- Brain functioning improved;
- There was an improvement of the general intelligence level;
- The children became better at analyzing.
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