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Article Review Writing Experts
There are times when you cannot cope with your academic assignments and have no better option than to buy article review papers online. Article reviews are kinds of assignments that students frequently get from professors at colleges and universities. As a rule, review writing can be assigned in different disciplines, but mainly, students get tasks to provide article review writing in literature, law, sociology, ethics, medicine, and journalism, among others.
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Reviewing is not an easy task to cope with, so students frequently seek expert help and tend to buy article review projects from companies that specialize in custom writing. If you find yourself in this situation right now, at this moment of your life – do not fret! Numerous students get custom online help regularly, so you will not definitely risk if you choose the custom article review writing service attentively and carefully. Professional writers working at ensure that when you get help from us, you will definitely boost your academic achievements in writing. Our writers specialize in different research areas and can provide articles of any complexity and on any topic.
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As you write an article review in any discipline, it is vital to keep in mind the overall purpose of this writing type. As such, remember that your article review should include a succinct summary of the article and its main points. You do not need to add any other information or personal contemplations. Still, what you have to include is objective evaluation and analysis of the given article in the realm of a specific research field.
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There are many reasons why students get stuck particularly with this kind of assignment. First of all, when you have to submit a professional article review, you are expected to learn the background of the study and know the basics of the subject area of the article. Second, you have to master the principles of creative or formal academic writing in order to be able to cope with different kinds of writing assignments. If students fail to prepare a quality article review on their own, they buy article review papers from expert online writing services, such as Usually, students address our company for help when they are busy with other assignments, have no time to prepare the review properly, have no adequate and sufficient skills for review writing or cannot manage the task till the specified deadline. Regardless of the problem you may encounter, we have a perfect solution: you can always rely on our help and buy an article review from us.
Benefits You Will Get When You Buy Article Reviews Online
Without a doubt, writing a custom article review is a complicated task that demands a great deal of language proficiency as well as expertise in a particular research field. As such, when hiring new writers to join our team of experienced professionals, we closely evaluate the skills and talents of the applicants. We need to make sure the person hired by us is motivated to do his/ her best and go extra mile with writing articles. Besides, we are looking for people who are patient, perseverant and stress-resistant. When employing new workers, we also make sure that the candidate can work well with scientific data, calculations, and process them properly. Therefore, we make sure the hired writers can provide quality papers for you that are of original quality and delivered on time.
Purchase an Article Review for a Reasonable Price
Clients can enjoy expert help with legal article review and other types of writing assignments. Besides, the prices they have to pay are reasonable and affordable for an average student. While our services are relatively cheap, it does not mean at all that we provide low-quality papers. Our writers’ team provides excellent help to all those who need an article review in the shortest time possible. To convince you that we are a trustworthy company deserving your attention, we can provide sample papers of our previous works. In case you need such proof of the company’s credibility, just contact the customer support team and ask them to provide you with a paper sample.
Learn the basics of article review writing
If you are working on an article review, then you are writing it for an audience, who is quite familiar with the topic or subject matter. Thus, your task is limited to developing a comprehensive summary of the article. You may also want to analyze the implications it may have for research and practice.
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At the initial writing stage, you need to choose a specific article that you will review. As a rule, you do not have to search for the article on your own – you can be either assigned one article or be given a list with a few articles to choose from. In case you have to choose the article on your own, do not think that it will be tiresome and time-consuming: you do not have to read all articles from A to Z – it will be enough to look through the article abstracts to grasp the main idea and know what the article deals with.
Once you have chosen the article for review, it is time to read it carefully and attentively while jotting down or underlining the most important information. If there are things, parts, concepts, terms, ideas, etc. that you do not understand, make sure to highlight them or write them out and then clarify for yourself what they denote. It is important to define all those items and then reread the paper now being aware of all the technical or scientific terms. If you have not found appropriate explanations or definitions in the libraries, databases, and on the web, make sure to seek assistance from professors or ask your classmates whether they know what the terms denote.
Once the text has become understandable for you, draft two columns and write out strengths and weaknesses of the article. Also pinpoint to the effectiveness of topic presentation. If the list of points is too long, choose a few of the most important ones and focus on them. Start the review with evaluating the topic choice and making an argument about the topic significance. Here be sure to indicate whether is the topic is significant to be research, whether it is broad or specific, and whether it is relevant or merely adjacent to the stated subject area. Afterwards, explore the thesis statement formulation and the mentioned goals. Pay attention to the hypothesis and the main claim of the review and then compare it to the findings, the final results and to whether the writer has managed to prove the thesis or support it. Further, pay attention to the methods used as well as their applicability and relevance. Finally, write about the overall impression the article makes on readers. Once you have finished writing the article review, make sure to edit and proofread the paper.
Review the way the article is organized
Even before you evaluate the article’s content, you may cast an eye on the way it is organized. You may also want to critique the advantages and weaknesses of such organization. Thus, you will have to arrange your article review in the following way:
- Summarize the article’s content. Pay attention to the most important aspects of writing. Prioritize among the important and unimportant points. Provide the basic information about the author and the article’s argument.
- Review the strengths of the article you have selected. Tell your readers where the author has been successful and how they have contributed to the field.
- Review the weaknesses, logical inconsistencies, or possible gaps in meaning. Tell your readers if you believe that the article provides sufficient information to inform future research and practice. Try to identify any questions that have not been answered.
Here, you begin with a brief review of the article’s contents, from the title and abstract to the conclusion and the list of references. Then you can review the beginning paragraphs. Compare their contents to that of the conclusion. Do you see any gaps or inconsistencies? Is there something that the author says in the introduction but forgets to mention in the conclusion? Now you are ready to read the whole article. At first, you will read the article quickly to develop the basic understanding of its contents. Then you will repeat the process, making notes.
See if there are any issues in how the author presents the argument.
Read the Article Thoroughly
Now you can read the article once more.
Do not: review each paragraph. Cover only the most valuable points.
Do: use your notes to provide additional evidence and link your review to the article itself.
- Now it is time to link the knowledge you have gained from the article to the knowledge you already possess. You may want to revisit the themes and topics you discussed with your teacher. Class and course readings may also help. How does the argument shared by the author fit in the earlier discussions of the same topic in class? Do you see that it echoes your understanding of the subject? What are possible inconsistencies or contradictions?
- See if there is any underlying meaning in the chosen article. You must read the article completely to see if you have captured its obvious and hidden meanings.
If you’re interested, download a article review sample and review it
Retell the contents of the article in your own words
You can develop a strong paragraph, which provides your readers with a brief summary of the article. However, simply paraphrase. Do not change the original meaning of the article.
- Develop an outline of the most important things shared by the author in his or her article. Support your claims with direct evidence from the article. Do not include any opinion. Your task is to summarize rather than evaluate.
- When you have finished paraphrasing the article, you will need to prioritize among different pieces of information. In other words, you will need to decide which aspects of the article are worth being included in the final review. For instance, you may want to highlight some information from every part of the article, or you may want to emphasize the importance of theoretical or practice part.
- Now you can reread and improve your article review outline to make it perfect. When you feel satisfied with its quality and structure, you can switch over to developing the article review according to this outline.
Outline the Review or Evaluation Part of Your Work
Evaluate every aspect of the article you have discussed in your summary. Your function here is to define if the author has been thorough, logical, and consistent when writing his or her article. You may want to specify the strengths of the article, both in terms of its methodology and research findings. You may also look into the weaknesses, using evidence to support your position and claims. Do not make bold statements if you cannot support them. Do not just say that the article is good or bad. Be detailed. Be convincing. You may need to do some additional research. For example, you may find out that the data provided by the author is outdated or incorrect. Then you will need to use the results of your study as the basis for making your claims. You may also use some of the questions below to guide your article review writing:
- What was the author’s intent for writing the article?
- What theory or assumptions did he/she use?
- Was the author explicit when defining the key terms and concepts?
- Was evidence sufficient to prove the point?
- Was the study based on earlier research findings?
- Can the study contribute to future research and practice?
Writing an article review is more than describing an opinion or providing an emotional response. It is a piece of formal academic writing, which requires thoroughness and systematic analysis. You will have to be thoughtful and reserved when analyzing the article’s content. You must use evidence to support your points.
You do not need to conduct any additional research to write a perfect article review. Your task is to summarize and evaluate the research conducted by the author of your selected article.
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